The most common reason a pregnant mother would seek a chiropractor is because she is experiencing back pain and neck pain. All the physical changes of her body can add up and manifest as excruciating pain. A chiropractor can help decrease some of the aches and pain by checking and adjusting the whole spine and making sure there is structural balance within the mother’s body. One of the most important benefits of regular chiropractic care throughout pregnancy is creating the most optimal environment for the baby to grow in the womb. Maintaining the mother’s pelvic alignment allows for the baby to have maximal room to grow.
Many people have no idea how important postpartum chiropractic care is. Once the baby arrives, mom’s attention is focused on caring for the newborn, often at the price of her own health. This postnatal time is the most critical period to heal. With the hormone relaxin still coursing through the body, moms have the advantage to heal, even from the old injuries that were experienced before the pregnancy.